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Thursday, 23 December 2010

Seasons Greetings from Sr. Audrey

Season's greetings from Sr. Audrey, Canossa Girlie and present Principal, Canossa Mahim.


Many ways led to Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph’s long trip from Nazareth, the Shepherd’s path over their fields, the wise men’s arduous trek across the desert. Jesus’ birth causes each of us to set out on a personal journey- a journey to meet this God who so humbly and surprisingly came into this world as a child lying in a manger!

The waiting of the Holy Family was interrupted by Rome’s decree - what inconvenient timing!-s o they set off! The way from Nazareth to Bethlehem was long, 90 miles by donkey and on foot.. Mary had borne the anguish of wondering what Joseph thought of her pregnancy. We can imagine the two pondering the ancient prophecies, searching for understanding to ease the questions in their hearts. Did they share their fears with one another, or were they calmly silent because it was enough for them to rest in obedience to God’s will?

Did Mary fret a bit as she packed, wondering whether to take the swaddling bands she had made- or would they be back home in their own village before her time came? Did Joseph cast a last look longingly back over his shoulder as Nazareth’s security passed out of sight and the way stretched ahead with a pregnant wife at his side? Yet the same road that led away from familiarity and comfort led straight to the city where God’s promise was to be fulfilled: “And you Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah, for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel.” (Mt. 2:6)

Have I ever experienced something fresh coming to birth in my circumstances once I have been willing to set out on a new road, leaving behind my old, familiar routines? Jesus, may I be just as willing to follow the road to you as Mary and Joseph were.

Dearest Canossians and Friends,
At Christmas and all through the New Year 2011, I wish each of you and your loved ones, the exciting freshness of a NEW LIFE akin to the Christ Child as also new discoveries along new roads!

A Holy, exciting and challenging Spirit of Christmas and the New Year is my fond wish to you. God Bless you all.

Sr Audrey D'Souza

1 comment:

O.S said...

Dearest Sr. Audrey and all Sisters,

Wishing you a Very Happy Christmas and New Year. Thank you for everything.