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Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Minutes of ESAC meeting held on Nov 27, 2010

I) Minutes of last meeting considered read

II) Appointment of Olive Saldanha (batch of 1983) as ESAC Office Bearer designated Officer Communication

III) Alumni day program chalked out

1) Dec 31, 2010, last date for confirming your presence at Alumni day

2) Each attendee's contribution - Rs. 250/-. The same to reach ESAC by Dec 31, 2010

3) You may send in your alumni day contributions by any of the following means :

a) Go to school and give cash any of the ESAC members who presently teachers at Canossa Mahim viz Ms Ninette, Ms. Andrea, Ms. Pramila, Ms. Cynthia or Ms Annamarie

b) Do an electronic transfer to Azra Akhtar Jaipuri's account (If you want the Account Number, please send an email to

c) Give cash to any ESAC Office bearer (Ninette D'souza, Seema Patole, Punit Neb D'souza, Amelia Noronha, Prajakta Naik or Salomi Jain) staying close to you.

d) Send your contribution to school in a sealed envelope with any student staying close to you. On the envelope, please mention any of the above teacher's name as well as your name and batch

4) Menu decided.

5) Seema to get alternative quotes for give aways.

6) Salomi & Ninette to work on compering, games & music.

7) At the school annual day, announcements about Alumni day & ESAC to be done.

Ninette to make a presentation about ESAC, ESAC activities hitherto, reunions of Batch of 1975 and batch of 1983.

Punit to copy pictures of reunion of batch of 1983 on to a CD and give them to Ninette at the next ESAC meeting

8) ESAC members Gregorina, Seema and Salomi to be there on Annual day to collect ESAC forms as well as Alumni day contributions

9) List of retired secondary teachers prepared

10) Olive to work on ESAC support forms

IV) Next ESAC meeting on Dec 4, 2010, 2.00pm, school hall. All ex-students cordially invited

All Canossians earnestly requested to spread word about ESAC and the Alumni Day scheduled for Jan 9, 2011, 11.00 a.m., School Hall.

Warm regards
Punit D'souza
Joint Secretary
ESACBatch of 1983

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