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Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Minutes of ESAC meeting held on 4th December, 2010

Minutes of ESAC meeting held on 4th December, 2010

1. Andrea to put up a notice on the ESAC notice board about the upcoming Alumni Day. Punit to prepare the notice and mail it to Saloni.

2. Gregorina to call up ESAC members who don't have Email Id's.

3. Give away sample brought by Seema approved. 100Nos. to be made. To be given to each member & teachers present at Alumni day.

4. Photographer finalized.

5. Alumni day announcements to be made in St. Micheal's Parish and Victoria School's Parish. Ninette and Annamarie to talk to the respective Parish Priests.

6. Teachers list updated. Punit to bring prints at the next meeting.

7. Teachers who are not Ex-Canossians and presently working at Canossa's Mahim welcome to the Alumni Day but will have to put in individual contributions of Rs 250/-

8. Punit to finish off Alumni support forms.

9. Punit to prepare a presentation of ESAC and reunions to be shown at school annual day.

Requesting you to send in Alumni day contributions ASAP so as to help us get a fix on numbers

Next ESAC meeting on Dec 11, 2010 at 2.00pm, School Hall. All Ex-Canossians most welcome to this meeting.

Thanks and best wishes,

Punit D'Souza
Joint Secretary - ESAC
Batch of 1983


Unknown said...

Girles coming for Alumni day who still haven't put in their contributions, please do it ASAP... We need to have a fix on nos....

Our retired Primary n Secondary teachers are coming... Come on girles... get going!!!

Unknown said...

So excited!!!... Girles from batches of 51 & 53 are gonna be there... And no thats not a typo... We shall remain girles till the very last breathe;-)