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Thursday, 23 December 2010

Seasons Greetings from Sr. Audrey

Season's greetings from Sr. Audrey, Canossa Girlie and present Principal, Canossa Mahim.


Many ways led to Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph’s long trip from Nazareth, the Shepherd’s path over their fields, the wise men’s arduous trek across the desert. Jesus’ birth causes each of us to set out on a personal journey- a journey to meet this God who so humbly and surprisingly came into this world as a child lying in a manger!

The waiting of the Holy Family was interrupted by Rome’s decree - what inconvenient timing!-s o they set off! The way from Nazareth to Bethlehem was long, 90 miles by donkey and on foot.. Mary had borne the anguish of wondering what Joseph thought of her pregnancy. We can imagine the two pondering the ancient prophecies, searching for understanding to ease the questions in their hearts. Did they share their fears with one another, or were they calmly silent because it was enough for them to rest in obedience to God’s will?

Did Mary fret a bit as she packed, wondering whether to take the swaddling bands she had made- or would they be back home in their own village before her time came? Did Joseph cast a last look longingly back over his shoulder as Nazareth’s security passed out of sight and the way stretched ahead with a pregnant wife at his side? Yet the same road that led away from familiarity and comfort led straight to the city where God’s promise was to be fulfilled: “And you Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah, for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel.” (Mt. 2:6)

Have I ever experienced something fresh coming to birth in my circumstances once I have been willing to set out on a new road, leaving behind my old, familiar routines? Jesus, may I be just as willing to follow the road to you as Mary and Joseph were.

Dearest Canossians and Friends,
At Christmas and all through the New Year 2011, I wish each of you and your loved ones, the exciting freshness of a NEW LIFE akin to the Christ Child as also new discoveries along new roads!

A Holy, exciting and challenging Spirit of Christmas and the New Year is my fond wish to you. God Bless you all.

Sr Audrey D'Souza

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

ESAC wishes you a Happy, Holy & Blessed Feast

December 8th is celebrated as a holy day commemorating the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

So, what of this festival of the Immaculate Conception of Mary? This dogma of the Roman Catholic Church states that Mary was conceived without sin, and that she never sinned throughout her entire life.

Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Through the centuries the Church has become ever more aware that Mary, "full of grace" through God, was redeemed from the moment of her conception. That is what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception confesses, as Blessed Pope Pius IX proclaimed on December 8, 1854: "The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin." — Catechism of the Catholic Church.

For more information, you can click this link

ESAC, on behalf of Sr. Audrey, Mother Superior and all our dear Sisters, wishes you a very Happy and Holy Feast. May our Virgin Mother's purity, innocence, grace, selflessness and love be with you and yours for now and forever.

Minutes of ESAC meeting held on 4th December, 2010

Minutes of ESAC meeting held on 4th December, 2010

1. Andrea to put up a notice on the ESAC notice board about the upcoming Alumni Day. Punit to prepare the notice and mail it to Saloni.

2. Gregorina to call up ESAC members who don't have Email Id's.

3. Give away sample brought by Seema approved. 100Nos. to be made. To be given to each member & teachers present at Alumni day.

4. Photographer finalized.

5. Alumni day announcements to be made in St. Micheal's Parish and Victoria School's Parish. Ninette and Annamarie to talk to the respective Parish Priests.

6. Teachers list updated. Punit to bring prints at the next meeting.

7. Teachers who are not Ex-Canossians and presently working at Canossa's Mahim welcome to the Alumni Day but will have to put in individual contributions of Rs 250/-

8. Punit to finish off Alumni support forms.

9. Punit to prepare a presentation of ESAC and reunions to be shown at school annual day.

Requesting you to send in Alumni day contributions ASAP so as to help us get a fix on numbers

Next ESAC meeting on Dec 11, 2010 at 2.00pm, School Hall. All Ex-Canossians most welcome to this meeting.

Thanks and best wishes,

Punit D'Souza
Joint Secretary - ESAC
Batch of 1983

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Happy Advent

Message from the present Principal and Ex-Canossian, Rev. Sr. Audrey. Nov 29, 2010

Dear Canossians,

Have you ever met a person who just lives for the present moment? He or she does not worry about anything. He/she does not worry about the future. This person says “who cares about tomorrow, just live for today. Nothing else really matters.” You might say this person isn’t a very responsible person. Yes, a person who doesn’t anticipate anything about their future is an irresponsible person.

Today, on the first Sunday of Advent, Jesus is calling us to a great of responsibility- responsibility for Advent. The word Advent means arrival or approach. During these four weeks of Advent we are happily awaiting the approach of Jesus into our lives. The arrival that we celebrate is the happy expectation of the child Jesus from the womb of His Mother. For us it is the four weeks before Christmas. For most people, Advent means Christmas shopping and Christmas parties. For us, Advent is a quiet, silent waiting, a time of special prayer.

Advent is a time for confession, a time of reconciliation with God and family. As a mother joyfully waits for the arrival of her child, so you and I wait quietly in prayer. Advent is a time to prepare for Christ’s arrival.

What is the basic step that you and I need to take a meet Christ at Christmas ? To meet the King of peace, we must first take away all the obstacles in our lives that hinder us from experiencing peace over these four weeks. What is the obstacle to peace in our life ? Is it a nagging sin that hurts us and challenges our peace? Is it an unpaid bill, or strained relationship? Advent is the time when we work at ridding ourselves of all obstacles to peace. Christ gives us Himself as the prince of peace only after we have experienced him as the ONLY source of peace.

Wishing each of you and your loved ones a HAPPY and FRUITFUL ADVENT!

Yours in the Lord,
Sr. Audrey
Present Principal and Ex-Canossian Girlie!

Minutes of ESAC meeting held on Nov 27, 2010

I) Minutes of last meeting considered read

II) Appointment of Olive Saldanha (batch of 1983) as ESAC Office Bearer designated Officer Communication

III) Alumni day program chalked out

1) Dec 31, 2010, last date for confirming your presence at Alumni day

2) Each attendee's contribution - Rs. 250/-. The same to reach ESAC by Dec 31, 2010

3) You may send in your alumni day contributions by any of the following means :

a) Go to school and give cash any of the ESAC members who presently teachers at Canossa Mahim viz Ms Ninette, Ms. Andrea, Ms. Pramila, Ms. Cynthia or Ms Annamarie

b) Do an electronic transfer to Azra Akhtar Jaipuri's account (If you want the Account Number, please send an email to

c) Give cash to any ESAC Office bearer (Ninette D'souza, Seema Patole, Punit Neb D'souza, Amelia Noronha, Prajakta Naik or Salomi Jain) staying close to you.

d) Send your contribution to school in a sealed envelope with any student staying close to you. On the envelope, please mention any of the above teacher's name as well as your name and batch

4) Menu decided.

5) Seema to get alternative quotes for give aways.

6) Salomi & Ninette to work on compering, games & music.

7) At the school annual day, announcements about Alumni day & ESAC to be done.

Ninette to make a presentation about ESAC, ESAC activities hitherto, reunions of Batch of 1975 and batch of 1983.

Punit to copy pictures of reunion of batch of 1983 on to a CD and give them to Ninette at the next ESAC meeting

8) ESAC members Gregorina, Seema and Salomi to be there on Annual day to collect ESAC forms as well as Alumni day contributions

9) List of retired secondary teachers prepared

10) Olive to work on ESAC support forms

IV) Next ESAC meeting on Dec 4, 2010, 2.00pm, school hall. All ex-students cordially invited

All Canossians earnestly requested to spread word about ESAC and the Alumni Day scheduled for Jan 9, 2011, 11.00 a.m., School Hall.

Warm regards
Punit D'souza
Joint Secretary
ESACBatch of 1983

Monday, 22 November 2010

Minutes of ESAC meeting held on October 30, 2010

Dear All

Minutes of ESAC meeting held on October 30, 2010.

Ninette & Prajakta started by expressing gratitude and presenting
momentos to Edith & Seema for the uphill task of bringing ESAC this

1. Alumni day to be held on Jan 9, 2010, 11.00am - 2.00pm at the school hall.

2. Each member to be charged to recover costs

3. Salomi and Joanne to manage the games, music and compering
4. Ninette & Amelia to work on the small meal to be served

5. Andrea to work on the Alumni support forms

6. Punit to work on the give aways

7. Prajakta to talk to PTA to find a sponsor for registering the
domain name and booking web space for the school website

8. Several other ideas discussed however no decisions taken viz
addressing the passing out batch on valedictory day, ESAC to organize
tuck shops, ESAC to work towards setting aside funds for the school

Next meeting to be held Nov 27, 2010 at 2.00pm in the school hall. All
ex-Canossians cordially invited.

Warm regards
Batch of 1983

Happy Deepavali to one and all!

Wishes coming from Sr. Audrey D'Souza, Principal and Ex-Student Girlie, Canossa's Mahim - 4th, November, 2010

Wishing you and your dear ones a very Happy Diwali. May the Divine Light dispel the darkness in and around us.

I pray for you specially on this beautiful feast. May God's blessings be with you in this coming year.

Loving wishes of the Lord of LIGHT from all of us here at Canossa High School, Mahim.

Sr. Audrey

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Calling all Canossians

Hi There!

‘KANE-OSA’. This is the logo on the court of arms of the noble Canossa family, to which St. Magdalene belonged and after which she named the great Institute, she started more than 200 years ago.

Simply translated this means that as long as the dog has its bone (you and I know this means forever), the name of Canossa shall prevail. Countless have been the saplings that have received tender nurturing at Canossa High School, Mahim. Today they take their place in society as confident, courageous, well informed young women, ready to take on the world. The name ‘Canossa’ has, does and will continue to open doors in the world for these young girls and women that otherwise might have remained shut for them.

Our Alma Mater asks for nothing in return save that we acknowledge her existence, bond with, enrich and strengthen one another as members of a recognized alumni. In doing so, we would certainly end up making a difference to society. So come Canossians, far and wide, young and old, youth, mothers and grandmothers alike. Get that spirit moving and sign up for ESAC (Ex-students Association of Canossa) if you have not already done so. The signature line says it all : “Strengthening the bond we share”.

With an Organizing Committee in place, we plan to have an array of events for which we need your support as either active or dormant members of the association. Even if you are not around for a ‘Hands-on’ effort it does not matter. You can certainly help out by spreading awareness about ESAC, passing on information and updating members who are abroad via the internet, encouraging the younger generation to share their ideas and talents and above all making the effort to be present at events that are organized, if you are living in Mumbai.

I sign off convinced that I have kindled the fire ‘To Belong’ in every Canossian worth the name.

Ninette D’Souza

Vice President - ESAC

28th October, 2010


On Saturday, 30th October, 2010, all Canossian Ex-students i.e. the young girls and adult women (maybe some senior too!!) who recognize Canossa High School, Mahim, as their Alma Mater were invited to bond together, enrich one another and participate in a brain storming session for a grand Alumni Day to be held in December, 2010.

Venue of the meeting : School Hall (2nd Floor)
Time : 1 p.m.

Please note: Registration to sign up for ESAC has opened. Life Membership is Rs.100/- Forms are with Ms. Sameksha at the School reception desk from Monday to Saturday between 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m

We hope to see you in large numbers in the future for a wonderful sharing of ideas and unrestrained pooling in of talents.


Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Minutes of meeting - 23rd October, 2010

Minutes of the meeting of Ex-Students held on 23rd/October/2010
The current active ESAC committee members, Ms. Edith D'Souza and Ms. Seema Patole appraised the attendees of the objectives with which ESAC was formed and the activities of ESAC until date. Presently, ESAC is dormant and needs revival.

New office bearers were selected as below:
  • Sr. Audrey - President
  • Ms. Ninette D'Souza - Vice President
  • Ms. Seema Patole - Secretary
  • Ms. Punit D'Souza - Joint Secretary
  • Ms. Prajakta Naik - Treasurer
  • Ms. Amelia Noronha - Joint Treasurer
  • Ms. Saloni Jain - Brand Ambassador (Youth Icon)

The following decisions were made:

  1. Each office bearer to put in efforts to create awareness of ESAC and rope in Ex-Students to become members of ESAC.
  2. ESAC office bearers to meet on every last Saturday of the month.
  3. The Vice President to put out a letter on the internet (Facebook, Orkut and ESAC Blog) calling for suggestions to take ESAC forwarwd.
  4. Alumni day to be held in December 2010.
  5. Notice board for ESAC to be provided by Ms. Andrea Pereira.

The next meeting of all Ex-Students to be held on October 30th, 2010 at 13:00 hours in the School Hall, to plan and brainstorm the upcoming December 2010 Alumni Day. This meeting is open to all Ex-Students of Canossa, Mahim. Request you Girlies to attend so that we can have a rocking Alumni Day. :-)