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Sunday, 31 October 2010

Calling all Canossians

Hi There!

‘KANE-OSA’. This is the logo on the court of arms of the noble Canossa family, to which St. Magdalene belonged and after which she named the great Institute, she started more than 200 years ago.

Simply translated this means that as long as the dog has its bone (you and I know this means forever), the name of Canossa shall prevail. Countless have been the saplings that have received tender nurturing at Canossa High School, Mahim. Today they take their place in society as confident, courageous, well informed young women, ready to take on the world. The name ‘Canossa’ has, does and will continue to open doors in the world for these young girls and women that otherwise might have remained shut for them.

Our Alma Mater asks for nothing in return save that we acknowledge her existence, bond with, enrich and strengthen one another as members of a recognized alumni. In doing so, we would certainly end up making a difference to society. So come Canossians, far and wide, young and old, youth, mothers and grandmothers alike. Get that spirit moving and sign up for ESAC (Ex-students Association of Canossa) if you have not already done so. The signature line says it all : “Strengthening the bond we share”.

With an Organizing Committee in place, we plan to have an array of events for which we need your support as either active or dormant members of the association. Even if you are not around for a ‘Hands-on’ effort it does not matter. You can certainly help out by spreading awareness about ESAC, passing on information and updating members who are abroad via the internet, encouraging the younger generation to share their ideas and talents and above all making the effort to be present at events that are organized, if you are living in Mumbai.

I sign off convinced that I have kindled the fire ‘To Belong’ in every Canossian worth the name.

Ninette D’Souza

Vice President - ESAC

28th October, 2010

1 comment:

Sr. Audrey said...

Thanks and seeking the powerful intercession of St. Magdalene of Canossa on all our efforts
to strengthen our Canossian bonds......Sr. Audrey